
Discipleship Essentials Impact on YouTube

Let's Watch YouTube

Did you know that Greg Ogden has a YouTube Channel? Short videos in categorized playlists will inspire and enhance your journey as a disciplemaker.
2 min read

Top 10

Go Micro is FREE to all outside of the US and Canada. Send your request to gomicro@globaldi.org. For those in the US and Canada, the book is available on Amazon in digital and paperback formats.
2 min read
Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

The content of Go Micro is a crisp summary of forty years of reflection on the practice of making disciples through MicroGroups. Greg Ogden and the GDI team believe we have discovered through experience a way to make disciples who make disciples by doing it Jesus’ way.
10 min read
Encouraging one another by responding to the disciplemaking call

Greg Ogden’s Personal Disciplemaking Journey

When we combine biblically-based content with a transformative, relational context, we have a setting for accelerated growth.
5 min read
The church exists for no other purpose but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs.

Why Church?

The church exists for no other purpose but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs.
7 min read
Successful Disciplemaking Journey

What Are the Critical Elements for a Successful Disciplemaking Journey?

Critical elements for a successful disciplemaking journey is a culture that has formed in your church or ministry where there is momentum and energy because the value of making reproducing disciples has become a way of life.
3 min read
Transformative Environment Qualities in a MicroGroup

What Qualities Come Together in a MicroGroup to Create an Ideal Transformative Environment?

The MicroGroup creates the environmental conditions that are just right for accelerated growth into Christlikeness and multiplication of disciples.
3 min read
Relational model of Jesus - start small, go deep, think BIg

How Do MicroGroups Implement Jesus’ Relational Model?

When Jesus instructed us to “go and make disciples,” He did not leave us wondering how. Jesus modeled this principally by growing disciples formed in a relational setting.
3 min read
"Go and make disciples of all nations" - Matthew 28:18-20

How Do You Begin a Reproducing Disciplemaking Movement?

It is only as you have lived this reality from the inside out that you are ready to commend this approach to others. If all goes well, this first group will become 4 new groups after a year plus. Then in the next year or so, this initial group will have multiplied into 12-16 groups.
2 min read
Kenyan Disciplemaking Mission - John and Faith Mugo, Ralph Rittenhouse

Kenyan Disciplemaking Mission

In order to kindle the fire of disciplemaking in their countries, we invited pastors from Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi to attend.
3 min read