Discovery Not Dictation
by Ralph Rittenhouse, Senior Pastor 32 Years at Camarillo Community Church
Why are the MicroGroups we talk about in GDI
Why Scripture Memory Might Be the Most Important Spiritual Discipline
Why memorize Bible verses? When we occupy our minds with the truths of Scripture we are, of course, driving out other things that can occupy our minds.
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What is the Difference Between MicroGroup and a Small Group?
Let’s first contrast the difference between a small group and a MicroGroup by first giving the general characteristics of
Where Do MicroGroups Fit in the Larger Picture of Church Ministry?
Can or should traditional small groups exist side by side with MicroGroups? The best way to answer this question is to show how different spaces can and should coexist together.
How Do You Begin a Reproducing Disciplemaking Movement?
It is only as you have lived this reality from the inside out that you are ready to commend this approach to others. If all goes well, this first group will become 4 new groups after a year plus. Then in the next year or so, this initial group will have multiplied into 12-16 groups.