3 min read

Kenyan Disciplemaking Mission

In order to kindle the fire of disciplemaking in their countries, we invited pastors from Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi to attend.
Kenyan Disciplemaking Mission - John and Faith Mugo, Ralph Rittenhouse
Kenyan Disciplemaking Mission - John and Faith Mugo, Ralph Rittenhouse

August 13-26, 2024

Ralph Rittenhouse and his team will be in Kenya for a disciplemaking mission in a few weeks. Here is why they are going and we need your help and support in prayer.

In 2015 Pastor John Mugo attended the Global Disciplemaking Summit at Camarillo Community Church. Since that time John has represented Global Discipleship Initiative (GDI) in Kenya, modeling and training other pastors in disciplemaking.

Eight years later in January of 2023, around 30 pastors came together in Nukuru, Kenya, to celebrate the launch of the newly translated Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple by Greg Ogden into Swahili.

A few months later that year, Full Bright Theological Seminary invited Ralph Rittenhouse to teach a course on Disciplemaking to undergraduates at the Certificate and Bachelor level. Since he lives in the state of Washington and their Kenyan seminary in the USA is located in Lakewood, Washington, he agreed to drive there.

Some Participants in Disciplemaking Class July 24, 2024
Some Participants in Disciplemaking Class July 24, 2024

Full Bright Seminary Locations

In the spring semester this year, graduate students in the Doctoral and Masters programs were authorized to receive credit for their degree completion.

Wanting to ensure that all students–undergraduate and graduate levels–this year had the opportunity to receive disciplemaking training, Vice Chancellor Dr. Francis Githuku requested that we offer a Zoom class online.

The first session ballooned to 61 participants, primarily from Kenya. You see, Full Bright Seminary has nine additional locations in Kenya.

Exceptional Interest in How to Make Disciples

Still more students requested the Disciplemaking course taught by Ralph Rittenhouse! So, a second class was opened and 63 more registered for this class. Now he teaches one group on Wednesdays and the second group on Saturdays.

Because of the interest Ralph has generated in a relational discipleship environment, he has been asked to attend the graduation ceremony in Lakewood, Washington, and in Naivasha, Kenya this August. As a representative of GDI, he will hand out completion certificates and batons to graduates of these classes in both locations.

Pastors Going to Kenya

Pastor John Mugo, our host in Kenya, is organizing the details. Also, Frank Milward will fly there with Ralph. He has been serving as his teaching assistant all three semesters.

Frank Milward, Teaching Assistant
Frank Milward, Teaching Assistant

In order to kindle the fire of disciplemaking in their countries, we invited pastors from Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi to attend. Our schedule and expenses for this outreach are detailed below.


August Event
Tuesday, August 13 Leave for Kenya
Wednesday, August 14 Arrive in Kenya
Thursday-Saturday, August 15-17 Youth Conference
Sunday, August 18 Speak at Ahero Church
Monday, August 19 Pastors' Conference in Ahero
Tuesday, August 20 Pastors' Conference in Muhoroni
Wednesday, August 21 Travel Day
Thursday, Augst 22 Pastors' Breakfast, Rest Day
Friday, August 23 Pastors' Conference in Thika
Saturday, August 24 FBTS Graduation in Naivasha
Sunday, August 25 Speak in Nakuru Churches
Monday, Augst 26 Fly home


4 South Sudanese @ 250    1,000
2 Tanzanians @ 100       200
2 Rwandese @ 100       200
2 Burundians @ 150       300
2 Ugandans @ 75       150
NBI Pick Up/Drop Off       300
Total $2,150
NBI Conference Meals       300
Ahero Conference Meals       350
Muhoroni Conference Meal       200
Nakuru Pastor’s Breakfast       200
Transport to Ahero       200
Total $1,250
Ahero: 3 Rooms @ 60 x 5       900
Naivasha: 3 Rooms @ 100 x 1       300
Naivasha Gas       100
Sudanese 5 @ 96       480
Contingencies       300
8 National Accommodation @ 2x30     480
Total $2,560

What You Can Do

Please partner with us in prayer to our Father and with financial resources to bless these wonderful people. 

To give online:
1) Go to globaldi.org.
2) Click the DONATE button in the upper right.
3) Choose Other in the dropdown menu and designate KENYA.

To send a check:
Global Discipleship Initiative
1322 Las Posas Rd
Camarillo, CA 93010