3 min read

GO MICRO by Greg Ogden

How can people be grounded in Christ and learn how to fulfill The Great Commission? How did Jesus and Christ-followers make disciples of all nations for the past 2000 years? What makes a difference? GO MICRO guides you step-by-step how to multiply disciples in the world.
GO MICRO: A Guide to Transforming and Multiplying Disciples of Jesus Through MicroGroups

GO MICRO: A Guide to Transforming and Multiplying Disciples of Jesus Through MicroGroups is the newest book by Greg Ogden, available now in paperback and digital formats. As a simplified and practical tool based on Transforming Discipleship, you will find clear steps for becoming a disciplemaker through MicroGroups.

The church worldwide suffers from a superficiality of discipleship. We see it in the US with the loss of 40 million people from Christian churches over the last 25 years. The Pandemic exposed the anemic commitment of people to be Jesus’ people, the body of Christ.

Almost a third never returned to the church. All across the globe, the message is the same: People may have prayed a prayer to receive Christ’s forgiveness of sin, but the depth of their commitment leaves them vulnerable to falling away or being led astray to other faiths like Islam.

What solution does GO MICRO provide to this pervasive problem?

Our Global Discipleship Initiative (GDI) has attempted to simplify the process whereby people can be grounded in Christ, while at the same time, learn how to fulfill The Great Commission’s call “to go and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations.” It is this HOW that we see lacking.

GO MICRO guides you step-by-step how to multiply disciples in the world.

How can people be grounded in Christ and learn how to fulfill The Great Commission? How did Jesus and Christ-followers MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations for the past 2000 years? What makes a difference?

What works

The MicroGroup provides the environment for transformation and multiplication of disciples of Jesus. The MicroGroup is 3-4 people who are invited into an in-depth, covenantal relationship over a year to a year and a half preferably meeting weekly. The micro size of the group allows for deep trust and vulnerability, loving accountability for life change, and mutual sharing of insights into a biblically-based disciplemaking curriculum. The curriculum (Discipleship Essentials) covers the necessary building blocks to lay a solid foundation in any believer. 

The vast majority of those who name Christ have never, ever gone through an ordered, disciplemaking process.

In addition, people are trained in the groups to multiply this experience for others, thus creating a growing network of MicroGroups seeding the culture of disciplemaking in a church or ministry.

GO MICRO will guide you through what you need to establish a MicroGroup-based ministry so that people will have the joy of being able to fulfill The Great Commission so that it is no longer "The Great Omission."


A Guide to Transforming and Multiplying Disciples of Jesus Through MicroGroups

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