Greg Ogden

Greg Ogden

In partnership with the local church, our team motivates, equips, and coaches pastors and Christian leaders to establish indigenous, MicroGroup-based disciplemaking churches worldwide.
depression to direction and purpose because of a MicroGroup

From Depression to Direction

Disciplemaking MicroGroups helped pull me out of depression. It has helped me be excited about my life and my future. This disciplemaking process has given me a renewed purpose and direction in my life.
4 min read
Equip the saints not do the work of ministry for them

Equipping Model or Dependency Model

When those who are to equip others end up doing the work others were meant to do, they create a dependency model of Christianity that distorts the job description of ministry and ministers.
9 min read
Discipleship Essentials Impact on YouTube

Let's Watch YouTube

Did you know that Greg Ogden has a YouTube Channel? Short videos in categorized playlists will inspire and enhance your journey as a disciplemaker.
2 min read
Learning Pyramid and Average Retention Rate

How to Remember and Not Forget: The Power of MicroGroups

The Learning Pyramid can change the way we present information for long-term retention. That's why MicroGroups are so
3 min read

Top 10

Go Micro is FREE to all outside of the US and Canada. Send your request to For those in the US and Canada, the book is available on Amazon in digital and paperback formats.
2 min read
Root Causes of Discipleship Deficit

Root Causes of Our Discipleship Deficit

Root Cause of Disciplemaking Deficit exposes the issues and distractions from the way Jesus lived to hand off your faith.
9 min read
Why are definitions important

Why are Definitions Important?

Definitions, when understood and shared, provide a common language. The more clearly important terms are understood and then shared, the better the communication related to those terms.
7 min read
Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

The content of Go Micro is a crisp summary of forty years of reflection on the practice of making disciples through MicroGroups. Greg Ogden and the GDI team believe we have discovered through experience a way to make disciples who make disciples by doing it Jesus’ way.
10 min read
Jesus Upside Down Strategy-Pete Scazzero

Multiplication: You Focus on What? Why?

Modern-day discipleship tends to believe lies that attending, connecting, and serving lead people to go make disciples. However, the counterintuitive
2 min read
Making disciples a few at a time

GDI Disciplemaking Goes Viral

After 8 years in existence as a nonprofit, the Global Discipleship Initiative (GDI) is at a “tipping point” of disciplemaking across the globe. These are a few of the highlights this year in 2024.
8 min read